Hope on Gloomy Days

I’m a sun seeker and dark mornings followed by rainy days can feel like such a waste. Boring. Lacking. Longing for longer days and warmth on my face. Day dreaming of days ahead when the sun is shining and life just feels fuller.

But what if life fulfilled is not found in a summers day somewhere up ahead, but can be experienced right here and now on the gloomiest of days?

Jesus said in John 10:10 “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly” The Bible says that true life, life fulfilled is not found in sunny days but always found in Jesus. I’ve seen again and again that when we invite Jesus into our lives, he gives hope in what feels like the most hopeless of situations and brings joy on the darkest of days, always working for our good and his glory.

Maybe instead of wishing January away and longing for longer days, the month of January is an opportunity to seek the Jesus who brings his light into the gloomiest of days.

~ By Lizzie Bassford


The Guy in the Chair


Is anyone out there?