Modelling Godly character
By Anne Cockram, a guest on our recent Frontlines Project in Partnership with LICC.
Thinking about the first of the LICC 6 M’s has been both helpful and challenging. Love, joy, peace forbearance/patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control- the beautiful fruits of the Spirit spoken of in Galatians 5:22
If our characters don’t display these fruits, all our efforts, witness and evangelism will be ineffective. But if they are present, even in varying degrees, then fruitfulness will be seen in our lives. Jesus is our supreme example. So we must be like Jesus to be effective for Jesus. And for this to be the case, we are really dependant on God’s Spirit to be working in and through us. Do I often pray for this?
It would be wonderful if when we were converted God gave us a big ‘dollop’ of these graces into our hearts wouldn’t it?
But God’s way is to slowly grow these qualities in us.
Consequently, they often most eminently seen in older Christians, who have been faithfully loving God over many years.
These characteristics are not dependant on our individual personality, social status, intellectual ability, nationality - whether we are extroverts or introverts, wealthy or poor, naturally confident or timid. All of us as Christians can display these godly traits in whatever situation God has placed us. In the home, school, office, hospital, neighbourhood, sports team- wherever we find ourselves, at every stage of life, whether times are good or challenging, these should be what we are known for.
It can be easy in a Christian environment on a Sunday morning to superficially ‘turn on’ the Christian demeanour.
But how are we in the traffic jam when running late, or if we feel let down or disappointed with life?
As Christs followers we should be like a stick of Brighton rock; wherever we are ‘cut’, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, goodness and self-control should be seen. Challenging isn’t it? If Jesus hadn’t lived a perfect life modelling these all the time, we may be tempted to think it wasn’t possible. But he showed us in his earthly life a supreme example, and he has promised to help us now.
Let’s think about the characteristics individually.
LOVE - It reminds me of 1 Corinthians 13- without love we are just like empty noise, ineffective and unproductive. But this love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. What a beautiful picture of Christian love!
What about JOY? This joy flows from an awareness of how blessed we are to be children of God. Whatever life throws at us, we have the solid knowledge that we are safe in Christ and that nothing can separate us from his love. This gives a deep, solid joy even in hardship. It’s not dependant on circumstances but is a consequence of our secure and blessed status in Christ You can see a Christian in dire circumstances still radiating joy. It’s not frothy and showy but is like the deep inner smile of a heart solidly trusting in God.
PEACE - the settled calm and steady certainty that everything is in the loving hands of our heavenly Father. It knows that our sins have been paid for and we are accepted and loved by God That knowledge gives us a deep peace, like a rock under our feet which is not affected by anxiety or uncertainty. We can KNOW we are safe and secure in the Lord. Jesus said ‘my peace I give to you’ His peace guards our hearts and minds and gives us the freedom to serve him confidently. The peace possessor can also become a peacemaker.
FORBEARANCE/Patience - This is not natural for me. Having children showed me how impatient I am! My fuse can be so short and I can quickly lose my cool. But being patient is other person centred, their needs before mine. I can wait, I can forgive, I can think the best of them because I take time to listen. To be aware of their needs and perspective. Patience is not just tolerating others, but giving them room rather than shutting them down.
KINDNESS - Such a beautiful characteristic of Jesus. He is kind. We see it in the accounts of his earthly life He was thoughtful, helpful, generous, and sympathetic to the people he met and cared for. He had no money or worldly goods but he gave himself He exemplified kindness. As a follower of Jesus, would others say of me that I am kind? It’s quite a challenge, isn’t it?
GOODNESS - This obviously doesn’t mean perfection! But it does have positive connotations. It will benefit and build up others for their well-being and encouragement. It’s the opposite of badness, of harming or undermining others.
FAITHFULNESS - loyalty, to God and towards those around me. Reliability. Like a faithful dog at your side, a constant devoted dependable trusty friend. As we serve God and those around us we must be faithful, dedicated, committed. Am I known for reliability and consistency?
GENTLENESS - I love this one! Jesus was gentle, not weak but strong and tender hearted. It reminds me of a mother’s gentle touch with her newborn baby. She doesn’t want to cause harm at any cost Jesus was gentle and we must be too. This doesn’t exclude standing up for truth or speaking out against injustice but it must always be done with ‘gentleness and respect’
SELF CONTROL - self restraint , self discipline Having the power to keep ourselves in check, not lose control of our emotions and consequently our words or actions So easy to make excuses - ‘I was tired or unwell’, or ‘provoked’ Or even ‘I was standing up against injustice’. The other M’s are dependant on this one- keeping our cool, a check on our emotions and our reactions, being moderate and measured in the way that we speak and act.
Do my attitudes and actions build others up or tear them down?
Do I model godly character, including to those I mentor or who are watching me?
And are we being a positive example of Christian living that will commend the gospel to unbelievers?
We must seek to win their trust to gain a platform from which to share the gospel of Jesus. The hypocrisy of saying one thing and doing another will kill our witness. But with Gods help we can display these wonderful graces which can act like a magnet to bring others to our Saviour.