Are you a talker or a deep thinker?
Naturally every person is a bit of both. But in the last few weeks I’ve really felt my need to talk things through coming to the forefront. I want to tell someone that my snake plant (who I’ve affectionately called Susie) grew a new leaf last week. I want to share in a cheesy film and talk about it afterwards. I love eating food with someone else and say “mmm” at the same time. Small joys are what 2021 is all about, right?
As I share those things with other people what I think I’m looking for is perspective. I want someone to hear mine, to see how I enjoy or think about the world and then I want to hear theirs. Maybe I could be called an over-sharer but for me, life is at it’s best when I’m with others, sharing and hearing what they’ve got to say. Life is good when I get to share my small joys with friends, and sometimes strangers!
A good friend of mine often uses the expression “it’s all relative”, and in many ways she’s so right. Our lives are richer with moments of perspective. They help us appreciate the moment we’re in, hold onto a memory or laugh at something we used to do or say. We need to hear what others have to say or think, otherwise I only have my own view on things and my own thoughts.
Perspective can help us remember and get us through hard moments too.
“It won’t always be like this”.
“Things are going to get better”.
“If I made it through then, I can make it through this”.
Words like the ones above have helped us all through the last year.
Finding perspective isn’t always easy though and other over-sharers or talkers like me might have had to branch out in the last year to find ways to appreciate life or reflect. That means I’ve had to find new ways to get some perspective and reflection on my own life. I’m dipping my toe into writing more and I’ve been finding it helpful to head to the same bench on the Thames so I can take stock. In the last few weeks I’ve spent far too much money on brownies from a seller on the Southbank, just so I can sit on a bench, eat the brownie, say “mmm” and take a moment to people watch.
Easter is a moment to reflect. For me, it’s a time of year that brings perspective. Taking a few days to look afresh at the life of Jesus, but particularly the unique moment where he dies a death that I deserved. It’s always sobering and maybe a moment when “Emma the talker” remains quiet. My life and mindset are richer for it.
Yet the cross isn’t just a moment that we think about all on its own or from our own point of view. There are perspectives in the Bible that we can read and reflect on. The soldiers who strip him naked and barter for his clothes. Simon who carries the Roman cross. The people who walk past and mock him. Those who watched the sky suddenly go dark as Jesus died, what were they thinking? A man named Joseph who wrapped and laid Jesus’ body in the tomb. Mary Magdalene who watched on as Jesus was seemingly laid to rest.
If I looked at the cross just me, maybe I’d see just a sad sight or an unfortunate waste of life. But add in other perspectives and we see so much more. We can see what the cross really means for us. We can have a fuller picture of Easter that brings hope from what on our first glance is a hopeless situation.
His death for our life.
When Jesus breathes his last breath the Roman Centurionwatching says, “surely this man was the son of God”. What will you say this year as you look at the cross?
Emma Joseph
Emma is a seaside lover that somehow ended up living in London. Joyful parts of her life include videos of her nephew trying new foods and watching her houseplants grow. She loves to chat the big and small things of life with friends.